Writing Prompt: Pebbles on the Window
1. It’s 2 a.m. and you wake to the sound of someone throwing pebbles at your window.
I couldn’t sleep……
Not when pebbles were being thrown at my window!
I told him not to do it, but he did it anyway.
The next thing i knew, my father was pounding on my bedroom door, “What’s all the commotion up here?!”
“Nothing dad.” I yelled through my bedroom door hoping he would go away and forget Charlie wasn’t there. I didn’t need my father’s anger drawn into this.
But unfortunately, my father didn’t go away. He opened my bedroom door, not even making sure I was decent, and went to my window.
I didn’t have to see my father’s face to know he was seething when he saw Charlie standing outside my bedroom window.
“Damn that boy!” my father yelled. “I’m going out there to give him a piece of my mind!”
Part of me wanted to go with my father…to calm him down so he wouldn’t do anything rash. But as I started getting up and putting on my robe, my father pushed me back in bed.
“I’ll handle this!” my father said as he continued downstairs and outside.
I was shocked by the time I reached my window to watch the fireworks and found the cops arresting Charlie.
Now, I was seething! I couldn’t believe my father actually called the cops on Charlie!
I put on my robe and went downstairs to the living room where I waited for my father to come back in.
But my father never came back inside…and Charlie was never arrested.
Instead, Charlie had saved my father when he had a heart attack and collapsed on the ground.
It was a good thing Charlie was studying to be a doctor at the university in town… my father might be dead had Charlie stepped in and saved the man who was about to have him arrested.
Now, Charlie is welcome in our home anytime!
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