Deadly Messages!!!!!!!
Karma Haven is out for revenge! Revenge against her husband’s ex-wife, Valen! For ruining her marriage by making up fake boyfriends to make her husband jealous. Karma waits! Waits for the right time to exact her revenge! Who will win the revenge war?
Chapter 1
“Karma, she’s doing it again!” Trenton cried to Karma.
“What is the bitch doing now!” Karma retorted.
“She’s refusing to let me see my son!” Trenton continues his pity party.
“Damn her!” Karma yells as she punches in Valen’s cell number so she can send the bitch a nasty text.
“Hey, Bitch! Who the hell do U think U R?!” Karma texts Valen.
“Stop keeping my husband’s son from him, Bitch! It’s not rite!” Karma continued her harassing texts to Valen.
When Valen checked her messages, she was pissed off. How could Trenton and Karma accuse her of such shit? It was bullshit! She would never keep Trenton from his son! She sent Karma a text.
“Look here, woman! I hav not kept Trenton’s son from him! He’s free to call him anytime!”
“UR such a fucking liar!” came Karma’s text 30 seconds later.
“Stop accusing me of shit I’m not doing!” Valen replied back.
“Stop UR lying, Bitch!”
“Whatever! I’m not discussing a damn thing with U!” Valen text back.
“Ull be hearing from my attorney!” Valen continued.
“Ooh, Bitch! I’m scared!” Karma text her.
“Keep it up, Bitch, and Ull lose Anthony to us!” Karma continued her threats.
Valen had had enough! She called her attorney to see what she could do concerning her ex-husband and his wife’s threats to take her son from her.
“What’s wrong, Bitch?! You scared!” Valen saw what Karma sent her, but didn’t reply back.
15 minutes later, Karma text her again, “Yeah, U better, Bitch! Watch out! U won’t win!”
Valen left it there. She didn’t want to say anything. She decided to let Karma think she wa
s scared. She obviously needed the satisfaction that she was.
“We’ll see who wins, Karma?!” Valen said under her breath.
Chapter 2
A week later, Valen came home from work tired and just wanted to go to sleep but when Valen checked her messages, sleep was the last thing on her mind after she read the nasty messages from Karma and Trenton. They hadn’t spoken to her in a week and they were starting up their drama and bullshit!
“Hey Valen, can we talk? It’s important! It’s about Anthony!” Valen read from Trenton’s message—his usual message to get her to talk—just say it’s about their son
Valen chose to ignore the messages, especially the one from Karma: “Bitch, I’m gnna f--- U up! B redy, Bitch!”
“What the hell did that mean?” Valen wondered. “Just what was she supposed to be ready for?”
“Keep it up, Bitch!” Valen read from Karma’s text.
“I am gnna send my ppl to f--- U up!” Karma continued as Valen read from Karma’s text.
“They will rip U from gut to pssy! Ur nuthin but a whre the way Ur treatin Trenton! It’s not rite Bitch!” Karma sent Valen.
“Watch out, Bitch!”
Valen didn’t reply back. She snapped a photo of the messages and kept them in her file to keep for future reference when she could get an order to stop them from harassing her.
Anthony and Valen had a talk about Trenton and after the talk, she suddenly realized what was going on. Trenton was pulling his usual game where he would call his son with the intent of needing to talk. Anthony said he was busy and couldn’t talk.
So because Anthony didn’t want to talk, Trenton cried to Karma and the result was a bunch of nasty, threatening messages where she was going to have the shit beat out of her.
“Well, Karma, bring it on!” Valen whispered to herself.
Chapter 3
6 months later, nothing from Trenton or Karma! It was as if Trenton and Karma fell off the earth.
Of course, Valen knew that wasn’t true. In the back of her mind, Valen knew they’d be back! With more drama and bullshit!
She would just wait! And live her life until…..
“Valen, can we talk?” came Trenton’s text.
Valen ignored it.
“R U mad @ me L!” Trenton text back 15 minutes later when he got no reply.
Valen just wanted him to leave her alone, but deep down she knew Trenton would keep sending the texts…each one becoming more nasty…
“What do you want?” Valen relented and gave in sending Trenton a text to reassure him she wasn’t mad.
“I hav a dire emergency!” Trenton text. “Can I call U?”
“Yeah. Whatever?” Valen text back.
2 seconds later, Valen receives Trenton’s call, “What is your emergency?”
“Karma and I are divorcing.” Trenton revealed.
“Didn’t you say that 3 months ago?” Valen asked, knowing what would come next.
“Well, we stayed together, but we’re gonna divorce now.”
“So, what do you want me to do about it?” Valen couldn’t believe she was listening to his bullshit.
“I need to stay with you?” Trenton asked her. “I can’t stay with Karma!”
“Why not?”
“Her daughter, Kaidence, tried to come after me with a knife.”
“Really?” Valen asked, knowing Trenton was pulling a fast one on her.
“Yeah, she stabbed me in the face. I have a scar on my face.”
“Yeah. I’ll bet.”
“So, can I crash at your place?”
“No, I have my boyfriend living with me.” Valen told him.
“Yeah. The fake one?” Trenton accused her.
“No. He’s not fake!” Valen defended herself.
“Okay.” Trenton said before hanging up like he always did when he didn’t get his way.
3 hours later, Valen wakes to 3 text messages—all from Karma:
“Bitch, U need 2 let Trenton stay with U! He can’t stay here! His life is n danger!”
If U don’t, UR a cold-heartless Bitch & I’ll cum after U with my ppl!”
“Oh & Bitch, thanks 4 faking the bfs! U just broke up my marriage! Hope UR happy!”
More accusations and idle threats! When will they grow up?!
Another text came in from Karma:
“Bitch, I hav UR medical file showing proof U were committed!”
“I am going to hav UR @$$ committed! I only need 3 signatures! Then my ppl will be out UR way to hav U picked up!”
Gawd, was Karma stupid?!
Valen decided to wait and see if that ever happened!
Chapter 4
Several months later, and no road-trip-goons to come beat her up!
“Yah? Another idle threat, Karma?!” Valen thought to herself. “And you’re big and bad?”
Valen sat down and wrote a letter to Karma (not like she was going to send it):
Dear Karma,
Your so big and bad, yet you fail to send those goons to come beat me up! Another idle threat! And it’s been several months, Karma! Why am I not in some mental institution?
You left nasty threat that some men in white coats were coming for me! Where are they? Then when I didn’t respond to your childish message, you come back a few minutes later to accuse me of being scared?
What did you expect me to do? Lie in my bed and cry? Did you get your satisfaction? Do you really think I’m scared of your idle threats? If that’s what you need to validate yourself as big and bad, I hope it worked?
Well, Karma, just so you know, I’m not scared of your threats! So bring on your road-trip-goons! Bring on the men in white coats! I’m waiting!
One Scared Bitch!
After writing the letter, Valen sealed it in an envelope, and filed it away in her files. No one would see the letter.
It was just a way for Valen to get the stress from Karma and Trenton’s drama.
Then Valen mixed up some margarita and sat down to enjoy her life, free from all the drama. Or was it?
Chapter 5
Valen had arrived home from work around 10:30 p.m. and had taken a shower before she retired to bed. Tired, Valen didn’t want to deal with any drama, but that is what she got.
As soon as Valen was lying down to sleep after a hard night’s work, in came a text from Karma: “Hey, bitch! Who do you think U R?! Trenton told me what U did!”
After Valen read the message from Karma, she set her phone down on her night table and tried to go to sleep. But Sleep would be the last thing Valen got that night!
“Can’t U reply, bitch!” came Karma’s text when Valen failed to respond.
Several minutes later, and Karma text back: “Okay, bitch! Since UR 2 childish to reply—I’m going to have U reported 2 the authorities!
Valen read the messages and set her phone back and laid back down to get some sleep.
An hour later, Karma was pist that Valen wasn’t responding to her texts.
“Hey, bitch! Watch out! I have some people coming 4 U!”
Valen read the message and laughed to herself: “Sure Karma, just like all UR other threats!”
5 minutes later, Karma text back: “U scared! U better B! I’m good 4 my word! There coming 4 U!”
Valen read the message and laid back down in bed, thinking to herself: “Bring it on, Karma!”
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