Santa Meets Jesus

Santa was having a miserable day trying to get ready for his deliveries this Christmas Eve. He even got so mad that everything wasn’t falling into place, that he told himself he wasn’t going to make Christmas this year. He knew that all good little children would be hurt when they found no presents under the tree or surprises in their stockings, but it seemed that it couldn’t be helped. As Santa was checking his list for the second time, as he always does every year, he noticed that his sleigh had a busted rim. He was so mad he hadn’t checked it earlier. It meant that he would let down all good children who were expecting their goodies for Christmas. Santa began to cry. He just couldn’t believe that he was going to have to let down the children. Just then, a voice spoke to Santa, “Kris.” Santa’s real name was Kris Kringle. “Who is that?” Santa asked, looking around the toy shop. “It’s me, Jesus Christ.” “Jesus, who?” “Jesus Christ. The guy Christmas is really about.” “Oh, you. What do you want with me?” “Don’t feel bad, Kris!” “Jesus is here, to make all your troubles alright.” “You’re going to make everything alright.” “Yes, Kris. All the children will know that Santa will make his deliveries as promised.” “How can you be so sure?” “Just have faith, Kris.” “Go rest up for your journey and get a good night’s rest so you can make the children happy.” “Thank you, Jesus.” “I’m so glad you’re here to help. Mrs. Claus and I will be sure to praise your holy name. You really are an awesome God.” And with that, Santa went into the house, got a good night’s sleep, and was well rested for his journey to make his deliveries on Christmas Eve. In the morning, just as Jesus promised, Santa’s sleigh was fixed and even ran better than it had. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! AND REMEMBER, JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!!!!


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