Pokemon Frenzy: The Journey

Introduction 12-year-old Jared Coleman was addicted to Pokémon. His first video game was a Pokémon game and has collected Pokemon memorabilia and games since they first came out. But when the latest Pokémon Go virtual game comes out, Jared downloads the app without hesitation. And he has one journey after another. What will Jared encounter on his Pokémon journey? Chapter 1 “Hey, Jared, you got the new Pokémon app yet?” his best friend, Xavier Richmond asks. “Not yet.” Jared says sadly. “But I will.” “Dude, you have to do it now.” “But we’re in school?” Jared reminds his friend. “So! Who cares?” Xavier says, tempting Jared. “Mrs. Springer’s literature class is boring. She’ll never notice.” “I’ll do it after class.” Jared promises. “C’mon! It’s the latest craze!” “Okay.” Jared says giving in as he pulls out his Apple iPhone 6s and pulls up Google Play to download the Pokemon Go! App. A few minutes later, Jared’s iPhone lets him know the app is successfully downloaded. “Success!” Jared whispers in Xavier’s direction with a thumb up, who smiles back. “We’ll play on our way home from school.” Xavier tells Jared. Just then, Mrs. Springer notices Jared and Xavier talking to them and calls on them. “Jared, who is the narrator of the “Poe’s ‘The Tell-Tale Heart?’” Mrs. Springer asks as the class is in discussion. “Ah. . . . .” Jared stammers. “It figures. You two boys weren’t paying attention to the discussion.”Mrs. Springer scolds. “You and Xavier are to report to detention after school.” “Yes, ma’am.” Xavier and Jared says simultaneously as they nod in agreement. The bell rings signaling the end of the school day. “Xavier. Jared. I mean what I say. Report to detention immediately.” Mrs. Springer says to the two boys. “Yes, Mrs. Springer.” Jared tells her as he and Xavier pick up their books and head to their lockers to get their backpacks and head to detention. “I can’t believe we got detention for not paying attention in class.” Xavier says. “Hey, be thankful she didn’t take our phones away for playing with them in class.” Jared reminded his friend. “Yeah, you’re right.” Xavier said, nodding in agreement. Jared and Xavier enter Room 130 where detention was being held. The two boys groaned when they saw it was heading the detention for the day: Old Croaker as students referred to him, Mr. Coughlin was his real name and students didn’t care for his teaching methods. “Boys, you’re late.” Mr. Coughlin stated when Jared and Xavier arrived. “Sorry, Old Cro---“Xavier started to say but bit his tongue. “Er, Mr. Coughlin.” “Take a seat, boys.” Mr. Coughlin demanded. “For being tardy, you two are to do an essay on the topic of our science lesson, Mendelssohn’s genetic theory, which will be due tomorrow in science class. “Yes, Mr. Coughlin.” Jared said as Xavier nodded in agreement. As the boys studied for the hour in detention, the bell finally rang as Jared and Xavier began to get up, but before they could get out, Mr. Coughlin reminded them both of their assignment for being tardy. Walking home after detention, Jared pulled out his iPhone and opened up the app to Pokémon Go! As Xavier did the same. Immediately, Jared got a Bulbasaur. “Wow! Xavier, I got Bulbasaur!” Jared exclaimed. “You lucky dude!” Xavier said with jealousy. It took Xavier an hour to get his first Pokémon. The boys played the game while walking home and were 2 hours late when they arrived at Jared’s house. Jared’s mother was a more than a little mad when Jared walked in the door. Chapter 2 “Playing that game again?!” Jared’s mother said a little irritated. “Sorry mom!” was all Jared could find to say. “Don’t sorry me!” Jared’s mother yelled. “Get up to your room now!” “Yes, mom.” Jared said as he climbed the stairs to his room. “And after I decide to call you down, we’ll discuss your behavior!” Jared’s mother called up after him. Jared opened the door to his room to find it a mess. Was this the reason why his mother was so mad at him? Jared wondered. Jared sat down on his messy bed and picked up his iPhone to play Pokémon Go! “Oh no you don’t!” Jared’s mother said, as she opened Jared’s bedroom door and grabbed his iPhone. “I knew you would start playing that silly game!” Jared reached for his laptop, but his mother took that with her too. “No technology for you!” Jared’s mother spat out. “Pick up this room instead!” As Jared looked at the mess in his room, he sighed as he would have a technology-free night. What was he going to do? He couldn’t live without his iPhone. His very world depended on it. Gaming was his life! He knew no other way to live! So he pushed everything off his bed onto the floor and went to sleep until his mother called him out of his room. He’d be damned if he was going to pick up his room.


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