A Paranormal Story
A/N: I got this idea after talking with coworkers who said that a resident came out and told them he had spoken with a deceased resident in his room. I got to wondering how if nursing homes haunted by ghosts of passed-on residents. The characters in this story are purely fictional and do not reflect actual persons. Plot When Artie James moves into his retirement home in his community, he begins talking with a resident who passed away shortly before Artie arrived. When staff hear his conversations with virtually no one else in the room, they become alarmed. Chapter 1 Artie James wasn’t looking forward to moving into a nursing facility in his community. His daughter, Cheryl Novak, arrived early that morning to help Artie move in and make the adjustment as easy as possible. „Good morning, dad!“ Cheryl greeted her father after she let herself in his modest 1-bedroom apartment. „What’s so good about it?!“ Ar...